Wilko supports Crossways charity with dining room makeover

Pam Mills

Homeware and garden suppliers Wilko have celebrated opening their new store in Royal Victoria Place by donating £500 to Tunbridge Wells charity Crossways Community.

Crossways Community provides residential care and round-the-clock support for adults with acute mental health issues.

The charity set up its headquarters at Moxham House in Culverden Park Road in 1971.

Wilko’s generosity will go towards refurbishing Crossways’ dining room at Moxham House by donating new products from its kitchen range.

Becks Hogben, branch manager of Wilko, said: “Supporting our local community is important to us, and the staff at the centre work extremely hard to offer care and support to the adults in the home.

Christopher Munday, Chief Executive at Crossways, said: “The team is very grateful to receive this generous donation from Wilko.

“We are a small charity so it means a lot to us that Wilko has been able to support us.”

Visit www.crosswayscommunity co.uk and www.wilko.com



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