Twin milestones for Tonbridge Lions veteran Maurice Gilham

Pam Mills

The Gilhams, who were both born in Tonbridge, were introduced to the club by Ron Nutley. Mr Gilham, who was inducted at the Chequers Inn in 1968, was presented with his 50 years’ service award by the Zone Chairman James Lark.

“I have special memories of the traction engine rallies and charity balls with themes such as The Wild West and Roman Scandals,” recalled Mr Gilham.

“I have a long association with the Christmas barrel organ, having organised it for 12 years and participated in the street collection for 50 years consecutively.”

Mr Gilham has held most of the offices with the Lions, and because President in 1981. He worked for Post Office Telecommunications and BT for 42 years and retired in 1990 as Regional Director of International Relations for Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East and the Sub-continent.

He believes the Tonbridge Lions have an excellent record in membership retention, which he attributes to the regular social events and the integral part that members’ partners play in all the activities.

He says the club is well organised with a committee structure which encourages individuals to express themselves and deploy their talents.

Mr Gilham is also the club’s official photographer, which he says ‘has involved me in all the fundraising and community service events’.

He added: “I really enjoy taking the photos of cheques being presented to record how we distribute the money raised to those deserving our help.”

PICTURE: PRIDE OF LIONS: The club’s Zone Chairman James Lark (left) presents Maurice Gilham with his 50-year service award

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