Tunbridge Wells parking row

Premier Inn Tunbridge Wells

Our story last week about the increase in parking charges in Tunbridge Wells generated a massive response from readers who voiced their disapproval by letter, email and on the Times of Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge Facebook page. Here is a selection of the numerous comments we received

Absolutely disgraceful. I wonder where the near on £500,000 extra income will go? Very much doubt it will be used to improve the shocking roads in and around Tunbridge Wells.
David Bramham

Keep on putting the parking charges up until there’s no shops left open. Well done Tunbridge Wells Council. Great example of how to destroy a town slowly but surely.
John Ryan

Well, that’s the nail in the coffin for me. Very sad to say we shall be taking our money to Bluewater, where I can park for free.

We moved to the area last year from Wales and I am still flabbergasted by the parking charges and the horrendous state of the roads. I didn’t think it was possible to have so many potholes.
Charlotte Murray

I have seen the news that car parking in Tunbridge Wells could increase by up to three times more than we pay now.

This not only appears to be a bit greedy as far as the council is concerned, but there is a danger that it will stop people coming into town.

Or the only people who will be able to afford to shop in Tunbridge Wells are those who have plenty of money.
John Stevenson

So exactly how does this help our town? There are too many shops that are empty in RVP and the charges for parking are increasing!

How about reducing the ridiculous rents on the commercial stores and maybe introducing a park and ride system for those travelling into Tunbridge Wells to help lower traffic?

The greedy b*ggers are at it again. Charging more but not fixing the problem.
Lynda Moodey

An increase in parking charges means even more reason to go to Lakeside or Bluewater.

I would rather pay the petrol and have better shops than pay loads for parking after driving round and round to find a space, not to mention the traffic to get into Tunbridge Wells anyway.
Lisa Copley

If the council is increasing charges, what is it doing about increasing our chances of parking?
Sarah Brown

I hardly go into the town now because of the charges. This angers me, I want to give my money to the local shops.

I used to spend time in there and stop for refreshments but I hardly ever do now. It’s killing the town.
Nicky Marsh

It seems to me that driving seems to be a punishment not a privilege these days.
Vincent Crowley

Will the extra money go into updating the car parks? I got stuck in the lift in a town car park for over an hour with the alarm not working.

We were lucky enough a lovely passing couple heard our screams and called the council – who guess what? Did nothing.

In the end they called the Fire Brigade. No apology from the council. Not even when I rang them.
Ria Salmon

Absolutely ridiculous! Surely the council should be encouraging shoppers into town. This is going to have the opposite effect.

I live half way between Tunbridge Wells and Maidstone, looks like I’ll be shopping in Maidstone from now on then.
Jeni Fairweather

It will soon be too expensive to shop in Tunbridge Wells. It will become a ghost town!
Angela Waters

Our town is no longer Royal Tunbridge Wells. We have very little to offer people as so many shops have closed.
Val Gledhill

I wonder how many of the TW councillors actually read these comments and feel they should do something about the problem?
June Bruce

For more comments go to the Times of Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge Facebook page

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