Tunbridge Wells Children’s charity St George’s needs your support to raise vital funding

Tunbridge Wells Children's charity St George's needs your support to raise vital funding

A NURSERY that provides childcare in Tunbridge Wells for families in crisis is calling for your votes to help win a large donation from the Aviva Community Fund.

St George’s Community Children’s Project in Chilston Road would like to win funding of up to £10,000 to enable them to continue providing very low cost or free childcare to those in need.

The charity supports vulnerable children and families in crisis due to a variety of reasons, including domestic abuse, illness, mental health issues and financial hardship.

While their children are safe at St George’s, parents have the time and space they need to change their situation.

This could be getting help to rebuild their lives after fleeing domestic abuse, or finding work so they can support their family.

St George’s Fundraising and Development Manager Ellie Stewart said: “Receiving a grant from the Aviva Community Fund would make such a difference to our charity.

“As the only nursery in the town that provides this service, many families who contact us have nowhere else to turn.

“Please vote for St George’s so we can continue to be there for families in crisis.”

The deadine for voting is November 21. Details of how to do so are below.

To cast your vote, search for St George’s Community Children’s Project at www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk

For more information about St George’s, visit www.stgeorgeschildcare.co.uk or email ellie.stewart@stgeorgeschildcare.co.uk


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