Tonbridge calendar proves a big hit and sells out – twice

Boho Gelato

The first Tonbridge calendar has been heralded as a ‘wonderful success’ after twice selling out and raising more than £3,300 for local causes.

Fivehundred were originally printed and sold at £7 each in nine retailers as well as at the Tonbridge and Hildenborough Farmers’ Markets. Such was the demand an extra 200 were printed and sold.

The calendar was created by online blog Tonbridge Daily, whose thousands of followers regularly submit aesthetically pleasing shots of the town.

Funding was provided by Tonbridge Lions, who will receive the sales revenue to help support local causes.

James Lark, an ex-Lions President who helped sell the calendars said: “It was very much a toe in the water exercise and it’s gone wonderfully. We’ve had great feedback from people and we will definitely be doing one for next year.

“It’s a win-win. Tonbridge folk gave us £7 for a calendar and they’ll get it back if they are in need.”

He revealed that the calendar had ‘gone international’ with copies sold to Tonbridge expats in New Zealand, Australia, Japan, as well as North and South America.

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