She attended the opening of the latest development at the RBL Centenary Village near Aylesford on November 6.
While she was there, she met a 99-year-old veteran of World War Two, John Riggs, and told him: “I must remember to get your card on the right date next year.”
The village provides accommodation for armed forces personnel and their families, including those with disabilities.
The £22million project, which began in 2015, is designed to support ex-servicemen and women who are in need for another 100 years.
Mr Riggs, served in Burma with the Chindits, a renowned special operations unit formed to carry out long-range penetration raids to protect India from Japanese invasion.
His daughter Barbara Rajkumar said: “He served extensively in the Middle East and was behind enemy lines in Burma.“He came out of the jungle weighing seven-and-a-half stone.”
Mr Riggs, who was also at the Siege of Tobruk and attained the rank of captain, has been living in the RBL’s accommodation for more than 50 years.