Pupils enjoy an Indian summer

Pupils enjoy an Indian summer

A group of over 80 girls at Kent College staged a production of Hiawatha last week.

The 19th century poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was brought to life by the students, who for the first time put on a joint production from both the primary and senior parts of the school. Every aspect of the performance, from the lighting to the costume making, was carried out by the pupils  who each had the opportunity to deliver a line or two.

“Working with such a large group of actors and dancers showed how exceptionally fortunate we are to have such a large theatre,” commented a Kent College spokesperson. “The professional standard set, lighting and projections created a world of misty forests and cloud-capped mountains and the costumes designed and made by year 9 students under the direction of the Textiles Department were magnificent.

“This was the first time that the schools have combined for a junior production and we are very keen that this collaboration should continue.”


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