Police search for clues to help make Kent safer

Police search for clues to help make Kent safer

KENT’S Police and Crime Commissioner is inviting innovative groups to bid for a share of two -substantial funding opportunities.

Matthew Scott has created the Safer in Kent Fund and the Mental Health and Policing Fund to give money to groups which can help deliver his Safer in Kent plan. The funds are each worth £150,000.

Mr Scott said: “Kent Police works with a number of locally-based organisations and councils to tackle crime and -antisocial behaviour.

“I want to provide support to -vulnerable, minority and hard-to-reach groups to reduce and prevent victimisation, and I want to reduce the amount of criminals reoffending.

“To do that, I need as many of our partners as possible to come to my office with innovative ideas.”

He explained: “I’m willing to award up to £10,000 to projects which address a particular local need, but if a project can cover a larger part of Kent and Medway I’m willing to award up to £20,000.”

Applicants are advised to read the PCC’s Commissioning Strategy. “Of course my office and I will be monitoring the progress of any projects carefully to make sure that taxpayers’ money is used wisely,” said Mr Scott.

The Safer in Kent Fund is targeted at voluntary, charity and community groups to support the delivery of innovative projects, with parish and district councils also allowed to bid.

The Mental Health and Policing Fund is to support schemes which will reduce the potential demand on police time when there are other services available.

The closing date for bids is May 30. For more information, and to make an application, visit www.kent-pcc.gov.uk/what-we-do/commissioning/funds

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