Lions proud of 2016


A COMMUNITY fundraising group have thanked all their sponsors after announcing they donated a total of £29,650, to local causes in 2016.

The Tonbridge Lions Club provided financial support to dozens of causes throughout the year, including Nourish, Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust and Chasing Connor’s Cure.

The year was capped off with the group’s barrel organ Christmas collection, a tradition since 1952, which raised over £3,000. The money went to providing 100 hampers to ‘deserving individuals and families in the area’. A donation also went towards homeless charity, The Bridge’s Trust’s Christmas Party.

President Bob Bartlett said: “Thanks to the people of Tonbridge for supporting our fund raising events in 2016, Tonbridge Lions have donated over £29,000 to local deserving cases and good causes this year. Thank you Tonbridge for your support, long may it continue.”

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