Historic appointment at boys’ grammar school

Historic appointment at boys' grammar school

AMANDA SIMPSON has been named as the first female Head Teacher at Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys [TWGSB]. She will take up her role from the start of September 2017 at the St John’s Road school, which boasts nearly 1,200 pupils.

News of the appointment was announced last week after the school’s current head, John Harrison, retired at the end of last year. Mr Harrison left in December 2016, after ten years at the helm. The school’s Deputy Head, Simon Marsh, stepped into the role of Acting Head Teacher in the interim period before Mrs Simpson’s appointment.

Mrs Simpson said she was ‘delighted’ to be taking on her new job: “The school is a forward-thinking and modern school with tradition at its core. My absolute focus moving forward will be teaching and learning and enhancing the standards of outcomes for students.”

She added: “I will look to ensure resources are available as part of preparing students academically and as young people living in the 21st century. I look forward to September.”

Mrs Simpson, who was a former PE and dance teacher at Crowborough’s Beacon Community College from 1997-2000, has spent the past four years working as Head Teacher of Lea Manor High School, a mixed comprehensive in Luton, Bedfordshire. Prior to this, she worked in the role of Deputy at The London Leadership Strategy – the leadership arm of The London Challenge.

Mrs Simpson’s appointment was welcomed by the school’s Chair of Governors, Philip Drew, who said she brought with her a ‘highly successful track record of leadership, people development and improving students’ outcomes’.

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