High Street upgrade designed to slow traffic down says KCC

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While the completion of the Tonbridge High Street upgrade has been a welcome relief to businesses and shoppers, it still needs a few tweaks according to one resident.

Philip Hurling says the lack of a specific bus lay-by within the new revised road layout is slowing down the flow of vehicles.

The Hadlow resident said: “A passenger bus shelter has been provided in the High Street but while people alight and board buses, the carriageway is blocked by the stationery bus – or two or three.

“This very quickly results in traffic queuing up past the rail station and further gridlock occurs beyond. This standing traffic also contributes to very high levels of air pollution.”

Mr Hurling has questioned why one of the newly introduced High Street loading bays was not designated as a bus lay-by.

A Kent County Council spokesman responded: “The scheme was specifically designed to give pedestrians more of the limited space by providing wider pavements where possible.

“The narrowing of the road is helping to contribute to lower speeds, as there is now a 20mph limit. It was always expected that traffic would have to wait when a bus is picking up or dropping off passengers.

“The previous layout had bus stops, although in places it was possible for vehicles to squeeze past with oncoming traffic.

“We will be monitoring this element of the alterations over the next 18 months.”

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