Flower power blooms at this year’s Tonbridge carnival

Flower power blooms at this year's Tonbridge carnival

THE Tonbridge Lions Club have announced that this year’s Carnival and Fête will take place on Sunday June 16.

The Lions are inviting local people to start planning their participation based around the theme of ‘flower power’.

There is usually no charge incurred to take part in the procession down the High Street, though there is a small fee for commercial enterprises.

Any registered charity may enter a float and have a three-square-metre stall free of charge at the fête on Castle Lawn after the parade.

The carnival is organised each year by Tonbridge Lions Club with support from Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council.

Money raised at the event is distributed to local charitable causes and to Lions Club charities.

To take part in the carnival procession, email Phillip Jesson on phillip.jesson@btinternet.com

For a stall on Castle Lawn, contact Dominic Keast at dominic.keast@talktalk.net or call 01732 351117.

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