Delivery firm looks to expand due to demand

Lee Colyer

MORE riders are being sought by delivery firm
Deliveroo after the company’s growth in Tunbridge
Wells topped 400 per cent last year.

A swell in demand for the restaurant food service has seen its fleet of turquoise-clad bikers triple to 200 across Kent in the past 12 months.

Deliveroo saw growth of 5,271 per cent in Canterbury, 549 per cent in Sevenoaks and 474 per cent in Tunbridge Wells. It launched in Maidstone in August. Bike and motorbike riders work as self-employed contractors. They typically take orders by mobile phone and collect food from an eatery before delivering it. Some of the 40 Tunbridge Wells restaurants customers can order from include Zizi, ASK Italian, Pret a Manger and Sankey’s.

Deliveroo Managing Director Dan Warne said: “We are delighted our rapid growth across Kent means customers have more choice, restaurants are able to increase their revenue and riders have opportunity to choose well-paid, flexible work.

“Now, right across Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks and Canterbury, we are looking for more riders to join us as we grow.”

Despite workers protesting about employment rights, Deliveroo has made huge gains and is now valued at £1.5billion, despite the wider restaurant industry seeing a fall in profits.

Mr Warne added: “Deliveroo’s success will mean more restaurants will be able to deliver their food direct to people’s homes or offices, and there will be more work available for people who want to be riders and fit their work around their life rather than trying to fit life around their work.”

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