Bright and beautiful

Having grown up in the Caribbean, Louise Dean says she’s ‘obsessed with painting tropical flowers, birds, palm trees and seascapes’ in bold, beautiful colours. The Langton Green artist talks to Rachael Hale about this month’s SEO Art Trail and her new online art course…


Why do you love painting so much?

It’s part of my identity, my DNA, and I’m constantly designing new artwork in my head. I can’t get over the joy of creating something beautiful. It feels miraculous that I can do it.


How did your career as an artist get started?

I studied art and started my first business with the support of The Prince’s Trust, but it sadly wasn’t viable. I then didn’t try to pursue art as a career until after my children were born. I created murals for their bedrooms, and friends and family soon started recommending me. I didn’t truly embrace being an ‘artist’ though until I began teaching adults and taking part in Open Studio events in 2017.


Your career changed dramatically during lockdown. Why’s that?

I had a garden art studio built and having that dedicated space gave me the freedom to grow professionally, have meetings, teach and, of course, hold all my supplies – so much better than the corner of the kitchen. It’s also allowed me to create larger commissioned pieces – my biggest so far has been 1.5 metres wide!


What type of commissions do you take?

Everything from pet portraits to botanical, landscape and chinoiserie-inspired canvases. I’m also a very versatile mural artist and create personalised murals for residential and commercial clients. I love creating something unique and by encouraging people to visit my workshop and meet in person, we can collaborate and chat through ideas.

I still do a lot of teaching too and run regular workshops for children and adults. My most recent was a business team event at the Hotel du Vin for Sharp Minds Communications.


What inspired your new online ‘Introduction to Acrylics’ course?

I love sharing techniques and doing demonstrations, so during lockdown, I started my own YouTube channel. It soon gained international recognition, and it inspired me to keep going. I love all paint mediums, but acrylics are my favourite, so I created a course – accessible through my website  to teach people all the basics, from how to use each brush and what products to choose, to developing an idea and using trusted techniques.


What’s next for you?

My dream is to ‘Paint the World’. I’m heading back to the Caribbean shortly to create video blogs of my visit and how to paint the flora, fauna and scenery there. This is Chapter 1 as I hope to travel to many more destinations, painting, inspiring and selling artworks created in each destination.


Where can people see and buy your work?

My studio is always open by appointment, but this month I’m also participating in the South East Open Studios Art Trail, which runs from June 2-19. This is my third time, and I’ll be open every weekend. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase my bright and beautiful artwork and meet lots of like-minded people.

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