Witnesses sought after new allegations in Fuller case

The leader of the inquiry into double murderer David Fuller’s abuse of corpses in Tunbridge Wells mortuaries has called for people who worked with Fuller in the 1990s to come forward.

Sir Jonathan Michael, the Chair of the independent inquiry, has called for staff who worked at two hospitals during that period to help the inquiry following “new allegations of inappropriate behaviour in the mortuary of the Kent and Sussex Hospital in the late 1990s”.

In addition to murdering two women, David Fuller abused the corpses of at least 100 women and girls in two Kent morgues over a 12-year period. He was jailed in 2021.

Sir Jonathan Michael issued the call to identify any staff who worked at the Kent and Sussex Hospital or the old Pembury Hospital from the mid-1990s onwards.

“These allegations only came to light earlier this year. We were only able to start looking into them once the investigation by Kent Police had concluded,” he said.

We would particularly like to speak to people whose job brought them into contact with the mortuary and body stores at the hospitals, to better understand workplace conditions and practices at the hospitals during the mid- to late-1990s.”

Fuller worked in electrical maintenance at hospitals from 1989, and was at the Kent and Sussex Hospital until it closed in September 2011. He was transferred to the Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury, until his arrest in 2020.

When questioned by the Times about the possibility of David Fuller’s crimes beginning earlier than originally thought and the number of additional potential victims, Sir Michael said: “We have not seen any evidence of inappropriate behaviour prior to 2005, but that is why these new allegations are significant and it is important that we investigate them thoroughly…

“It would be wrong to speculate whether there were any [other] episodes of inappropriate behaviour in the mortuaries at this time. At present we have no evidence that there were any additional victims.”

The Kent Police are not aware of any prior investigations [by the hospital] into allegations against Fuller.

The inquiry is independent of the Government and NHS, although it was set up by and reports to the Government.

If you have any information for the inquiry, email contact@fuller.independent-inquiry.uk or call 0207 972 1444.

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