We lead, they follow


The Times leads …and Fleet Street follows.

Our exclusive story last week about how a local food bank charity was delivering to people’s homes door to door had national newspapers and websites scrambling to follow it up.

Almost every daily paper carried a piece on how Nourish aims to spare the blushes of the recipients by not making them queue outside its Tunbridge Wells headquarters.

The Daily Mail ran the story under the headline ‘The food bank that delivers to families too shy to show up’ while the Times published the article under the header ‘Hungry of Tunbridge Wells are saved food bank shame.’

The Metro chose: “Tunbridge Wells…where the food bank home-delivers.”

Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn in his popular Friday slot compared the service provided by Nourish as ‘Ocado-style’ and wondered mischievously if a food bank in affluent Tunbridge Wells would be ‘run by Coutts.’

In a message to the Times, he said: “Here’s to proper local papers. Long may you prosper.”

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