Waitrose helps Crowborough trounce Tunbridge Wells as best place to live

Waitrose helps Crowborough trounce Tunbridge Wells as best place to live

Eat your heart out Tunbridge Wells. When it comes to the best place to live in the South East the town can’t hold a candle to – Wadhurst or even Crowborough.

At least that’s the view of the Sunday Times which at the weekend published it 2017 guide to what it considers to be the Best Places to Live.

The paper uses the usual statistics on schools, crime rates and the weather but then looks for the little extras such as sense of community, scenery, the beauty of the houses and thriving high streets.

Out of that mix came Wadhurst in top place with Crowborough also in the top 15 with the paper commenting: “And yes, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells we know your value too – and your high house prices.”

Apparently ‘Wadhurst has long been a favoured destination for those fleeing London’s stratospheric house prices’ although in recent years the place ‘has really upped its game’. It is ‘tradition spiced up.’

On Crowborough the Sunday Times remarks: “If Tunbridge Wells is too starchy, this market town just seven miles south could be for you.

“Though unknown to many outsiders, Crowborough is not exactly a backwater – with more than 20,000 residents, it’s the biggest inland town in East Sussex.

“Crowborough’s big events are appropriately wholesome and indicate that the place still regards itself as rural, not urban or yet another extended suburb of London.”

Summing up it’s a ‘wide open community with big open spaces.”

Finally, as the Sunday Times points out Crowborough has a Waitrose.

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