Volunteers to rebuild Nepalese primary school

Madeira Tunbridge Wells 2

Volunteers from Tunbridge Wells have flown to Nepal to rebuild a destroyed school.

John Carrington, Graeme Howell, Keith Aris, Ian Reilly and Niall Ward were among those who left on Saturday, to spend two weeks in the Trishuli Valley.

The primary school in Palchok village was flattened by the earthquake which hit on April 25, killing 9,000 people and injuring 23,000 more.

Mr Carrington said last week: “I came to the project through some friends and colleagues who are ex-servicemen.

“It’s a humanitarian project, nothing to do with the military, but because of their background some of those involved are used to this kind of challenging environment where no one else is really willing to go.

“It’s a pile of rubble, we’re going to be rebuilding the school from scratch.

“We’ve managed to secure some funding from the Round Table and I and the other members have been fundraising.

“We have some quali? ed people to manage the project, but we’ll essentially be teaching the local people how to do it and that will hopefully expand.

“We want to make sure young people in Nepal don’t get lost in trauma and miss out on education because of the loss of their school.”

To donate to the project, visit https://crowdfunding.justgiving.com/Nepalese-school-rebuild

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