Victoria Cross Grove improved in time for Remembrance Day

Victoria Cross Grove improved in time for Remembrance Day

The commemorative area includes a memorial and a plaque describing the heroics of the ‘Ten Brave Men And True’ who lived in Tunbridge Wells and received the Victoria Cross.

The Grove at the Bayhall Road entrance to the park offers a quiet, contemplative place to sit and reflect on their bravery.

With funding from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and a contribution from the Friends of Dunorlan Park, a path is being constructed from the plaque to the memorial.

The photographs and text on the plaque have also been replaced because they had become cracked and worn.

The sculpture was created by Charles Gurrey
and was unveiled by Princess Anne in 2006. It includes extracts from Andrew Motion’s poem Remembrance.

The Victoria Cross was instituted by Queen Victoria in 1856 to recognise acts of outstanding bravery by members of the armed forces.

The ten local recipients are Charles Davis Lucas, Matthew Charles Dixon, William Temple, John Duncan Grant, Douglas Walter Belcher, William Robert Fountains Addison, Eric Stuart Dougall, William Hew Clark-Kennedy, Lionel Ernest Queripel and John Henry Cound Brunt.

Their life stories are featured in the book Ten Brave Men And True, written by local historian Richard Snow.

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