Tunbridge Wells man jailed for historic sex abuse

Tunbridge Wells man jailed for historic sex abuse
Jailed: Jonathan Howard

Jonathan Howard of Huntingdon Avenue, Tunbridge Wells was sentenced to three years and four months’ imprisonment, following convictions for offences which took place between March and June 2001.


In jailing the 59 year old at Maidstone Crown Court on Friday July 3, Judge Julian Smith described the impact of Howard’s actions on his victim as ‘lifelong and huge’.

He said: “This has clearly been the cause of much anguish and distress in their life. He does not have a complete comprehension of his actions or their impact. He has failed on occasion to properly grasp and accept his culpability.”

An NSPCC spokesperson added: “Howard’s appalling actions will have caused immense distress for a person who was cruelly prevented from enjoying an abuse-free childhood.

“Thanks to their bravery in coming forward, he has been brought to justice.

“We want those who have endured these offences to know they will be listened to when they speak out, regardless of how many years have passed since their ordeals took place, or who the abuser is.

“They can speak in confidence to trained counsellors at the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000, while Childline is there for young people on 0800 1111 or www.childline.org.uk 

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