Tunbridge Wells firm offers help with a storage ‘cave’

Paralympic champion Claire is Tree of Hope's new patron

Children’s charity Tree of Hope has praised the public spirit of Easistore for their help in securing a rate-free space to keep their ‘Aladdin’s Cave worth of stuff’.

The self-storage firm donated a 250 sq ft room to the Tunbridge Wells-based charity, rate-free for a year, saving Tree of Hope more than £5,000.

“We are so grateful to Easistore,” said Tree of Hope’s Fundraising Manager, Emma Bourne.

“We developed new merchandising to provide additional support for our families but then had nowhere to store it when we moved out of our other premises. The generous donation helps us keep our costs down.”

Tree of Hope helps families to raise funds to pay for potentially life-changing treatments and therapies for children with complex needs.

Three children will travel to the United States in the autumn to undergo operations that could help them walk unaided for the first time.

Easistore’s Managing Director, Paul Glenister, says the firm is committed to supporting local and national charities. “Every year we work with amazing charities, and we are pleased we can help Tree of Hope with their storage needs,” he said.

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