Traffic joy for commuters

Traffic joy for commuters

There’s good news in store for any motorists who’ve been caught up in roadworks on Forest Road in Tunbridge Wells recently – as of today (Friday February 23), the lights have been removed.

This afternoon, Kent Highways tweeted:

“Tunbridge Wells, Forest Road: Please be advised we have had confirmation that the works have finished ahead of schedule and the temporary traffic lights have now been removed.”

The lights have been in place since February 12, and were in use while work on a new traffic island and kerb alignments was carried out. However, during peak rush hours, commuters were left furious when they sat in huge queues – with some reporting taking over 45 minutes to get through the chaos.

The work was due to be completed on March 5, but the work has finished 10 days early – hopefully putting an end to the misery just in time for the weekend.

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