Toilet sign triumph for Tunbridge Wells resident

Toilet sign triumph for Tunbridge Wells resident
Toilet sign (stock image)

Leoni Sidgewick says people with diseases such as Crohn’s and Colitis and other disabilities which may not be visible, are sometimes confronted by others when they are seen using disabled toilets.

She said: “It’s important that people have peace of mind that when they travel and need to use the facilities they can do so, safe in the knowledge that there is a suitable sign in place.

“No one should be abused for using an accessible toilet when they may have a invisible disability.”

She says that after contacting local Councillor Dr Linda Hall [Con] she managed to get the signage changed for 11 accessible public toilets in the borough.

Cllr Hall said: “I saw the importance of changing the signage on the accessible toilets in the borough to remind residents to be considerate of other people who, while they may not have a visible condition, must be treated with respect and understanding when they need to use the accessible loos.”

But she added: “We need to go further. Signage needs to be improved across Kent and the UK as a whole.”

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