Titanic exhibition hailed as an amazing success

Ray Beaumont 2

The Titanic in Photographs exhibition in Tunbridge Wells attracted more than 232,000 visitors during its month-long run in Royal Victoria Place.

The collection of 100 pictures and artefacts brought a 32 per cent increase in footfall at the shopping centre on the final day of the exhibition, August 21.

The liner, which was the largest ship in the world when it was launched on April 15, 1912, sank after hitting a giant iceberg in the north Atlantic, with the loss of more than 1,500 passengers.

Marc Burchett, Marketing Manager of the Royal Victoria Place shopping mall, said the Titanic in Photographs exhibition, which was sponsored by the Times of Tunbridge Wells and Times of Tonbridge, proved to be ‘hugely popular’.

He added: “The feedback we have received from so many visitors has been amazing, with many commenting that they found it to be both fascinating and very emotive.”

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