Station cat one step closer to treatment

Pam Mills

A crowdfunding campaign to raise money to pay the vet’s bill for Sapphie, the much-loved Tonbridge railway station cat, reached its target within eight hours.

The 10-year-old piebald cat is well known to residents and commuters alike. But a lump has been found in the stomach of Sapphie, short for Sapphire.

Jonathon Wilson, a member of staff at the FCB coffee shop next door to the station, set up the appeal on the GoFundMe website.

He said: ‘I have been given the news that the cat that calls the station home could potentially be very unwell and she may need surgery to make her better.

‘Any help will be greatly appreciated by me and all the staff that work at Tonbridge train station.’

The £260 required for Sapphie to undergo a scan and blood test was soon reached, and is currently at almost £600. The excess will go towards any operations required as part of ongoing treatment. You can contribute to the cause here.

Sapphie used to live near the station on Barden Road and when her owners moved away, they thought it would be safer to leave her behind.

According to train co-ordinator Debbie Hanson, Sapphie has two beds – in the offices of the station manager and the supervisor.

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