School reopens after Covid scare

School reopens after Covid scare
Temple Grove Academy reopens after Covid scare

Temple Grove Academy in Friars Way was forced to shut on Thursday [June 25].


Consultant headteacher Isabel Ramsay broke the news of the Covid diagnosis to parents by email that afternoon.

She said: “We were notified early this morning, Thursday June 25, that a member of staff has tested positive for coronavirus.

“Therefore the school has been shut this morning and we are taking advice from Public Health England.

“The school will remain shut whilst we take advice and we will keep you updated.

“The families of the pupils in the bubble have been contacted. Thank you for your continued support.”

But following the school closure, the affected staff member was retested for the virus last week and the result came back negative, which has enabled the school to reopen.

Ms Ramsay said: “I can confirm that the school has had a deep clean from a specialist cleaning company over the weekend and we will be ready to open on Wednesday July 1.

“The staff member who tested positive on Wednesday had another test on Friday and this was negative.”

However, she added that following Public Health England advice, while Reception classes, Year one and Year six would return to school today, Year 5 pupils will continue to self-isolate until Thursday, July 9.

According to figures released by Public Health England yesterday [Tuesday], 275 people have so far tested positive for coronavirus in Tunbridge Wells – the third lowest number of cases in Kent.

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