Riding 100 miles for meningitis

Riding 100 miles for meningitis

A TEAM of local business leaders took part in the a cycle ride in London in aid of Meningitis Now – a charity that researches the disease and supports families affected by it.
They completed the 100-mile challenge over five and a half hours on July 30 alongside 30,000 other riders, following the route of the cycling road race of the 2012 Olympics.
Calling themselves the Meningitis Mile Munchers, the team consisted of Peter Cronwell, owner of The Beacon in Rusthall, Jane Drew of Nuffield Gym, James Richards of Maddisons Residential, Sarah Duncombe-Jones, a teacher at Weald of Kent Grammar, Steve Bass, MD of Bass Engineering, and Steve Clark, MD of Chilstone.

Mr Clark said the team burnt 3,800 calories collectively, but more importantly raised more than £5,000 for the charity – £2,000 over their target. Around 3,200 people get bacterial meningitis each year in the UK, and for 10-15 per cent of those it proves fatal. Many sufferers, approximately one in five, live with permanent disabilities such as brain damage, hearing loss, loss of kidney function or limb amputations.
Finishing outside Buckingham Palace, Mr Clark said: “For 20 seconds you feel like a pro rider at the end with the crowds cheering.”
To support the team, visit: uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/Meningitismilemunchers

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