Primary school reveals a record breaking result following its fundraising efforts

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

Like many schools, Southborough CEP primary school has been following events in the Ukraine and discussing ways in which its staff and pupils can help those currently suffering.

“Undoubtedly war in Europe is a worrying topic for all – especially for young children,” the school’s head Emma Savage told the Times last week.

“However, war can be an important moment to teach about peace, hope, co-operation, and the role we can all play in creating a better future. As a result we have been focusing on reinforcing positive actions – to reassure children that lots of organisations and people are working hard to end the war and support those in Ukraine.”

Ms Savage explained that back in March the school decided to work with the Shelterbox charity and so devised a series of activities to support fundraising to buy two Shelterboxes to send to Ukraine.

“We decided to leave the fundraising ideas to the children,” she continued. “Each year group chose and planned an activity that they thought would raise lots of money which involved coming up with lots of ideas and voting for their favourite.”

Ms Savage added that ideas included a non-stop dancing marathon for 30 minutes, a Make Your Own Rules day, a sponsored walk and a 500 mile run.


“We easily surpassed our initial target of two ShelterBoxes and are now in the position of being able to fund 22”


Staff also got involved in the supporting the children with their fundraising too by hosting an afternoon tea which raised over £500.”

Last week the primary school was visited by Peter Dowse from ShelterBox to educate about the work they do and for children to understand the impact of their fundraising.

“Peter explained that each ShelterBox costs £590.00 and contains items including a solar torch, a tent that can sleep five people, cooking equipment, thermal self-warming blankets, a first aid kit, inflatable camping mattresses as well as a water purifier filter and water storage.”

The final count was also revealed last week and Ms Savage said that the school had raised a ‘staggering’ £13,387.79 in sponsorship.

“This is an all-time school record, doubling previous sponsorship appeals,” continued Ms Savage. “Peter confirmed this meant we easily surpassed our initial target of two ShelterBoxes and are now in the position of being able to fund 22, which fittingly equates to one from each of our classes and one from the staff team. We are incredibly grateful to the whole school community for supporting the children’s amazing efforts, providing Ukrainian families in need of shelter and helping children realise they can make a difference.”

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