Opening a gateway to success for town


Project leaders and residents gathered for the formal opening of the enhanced Tonbridge Lock that has transformed the town’s riverside.

The £1.9million scheme, which has been funded by the borough council and the Environment Agency, has already been hailed as being of central importance to the regeneration of the area.

Tonbridge Mayor Owen Baldock and Council Leader Nicolas Heslop cut the opening ribbon for the event last Friday, which included a boat trip to examine the works.

The upgrades at Medway Wharf Road include extensive landscaping of the lock area, flood monitoring equipment and an additional boathouse for river users.

Simon Curd, the flood management team leader at the Environment Agency, said: “This is a fantastic amenities space that will be of great benefit to the town, as well as providing flood protection for around 100 homes and boating facilities.

“This is an example of what can be achieved when two authorities work together on something that adds value to the community.

It’s been a pleasure working together with the council on this,” he added.

Mr Heslop said that the lock was part of the ongoing regeneration of key areas of the town.

He said that along with planned projects at River Walk and upgrades surrounding the town’s railway station, Tonbridge was set for a number of encouraging developments.

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