‘One in ten children has a mental health problem’

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Dear Reader…

This time of the year you will have noticed numerous appeals for help from charities. All are desperate for funds. All are worthy. But how do you decide which ones to support?

Hopefully when you are considering the options you will include our very own Christmas Appeal which is supporting the vital work of three local charities featured here.

They have been chosen because each is in the front line of the battle against mental ill health, often referred to as the forgotten illness because in the eyes of the misinformed it still carries something of a social stigma.

In researching the issue we have been deeply touched by some of the case studies, like that of six-year-old David (not his real name).

He experienced domestic violence from his mother who was addicted to alcohol and learned a variety of strategies to get the attention he craved. He would ‘kick off’, hit other children, shout and continually tell lies.

Eventually he saw one of the charity counsellors and they played games where he could win sometimes, feeling he was succeeding in doing something well. As trust was built up David shared how scared he had been when mum drank ‘the water in the bottle with the red label’.

After two years David was able to manage without the support of his counsellor. Sadly his is not an isolated case.

Did you know that one in ten children has a mental health problem?

Not all as severe, perhaps, as David but all in need of some help.

That’s just one of the reasons we’re asking you to support our Christmas Appeal. Every penny will stay in the town. Every penny will be spent helping local people.

Thank you!
The team at the Times of Tunbridge Wells

All donations to the Christmas appeal will automatically be split between the Times’ three chosen charities.

To give, visit uk.virginmoneygiving.com/TimesofTunbridgeWellsChristmasAppeal

You can also make a donation by writing a cheque made out to the Times of Tunbridge Wells and sending it to:

Times of Tunbridge Wells
16 Lonsdale Gardens
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1NU

Please mark the envelope: Charity Appeal.

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