New roof needed for town’s Opera House

New roof needed for town's Opera House
The Opera House, Tunbridge Wells, now Wetherspoons

The Opera House in Mount Pleasant Road, home to the town’s Wetherspoons public house, closed more than a week ago after it was discovered that the roof was crumbling and posed a risk to drinkers. The Grade-II listed building was constructed in 1901 and over the years has been a bingo hall and cinema, before being bought by the pub chain in 1996.

The Opera House has proved to be one of Wetherspoon’s grandest-looking hostelries.

But the ageing building, which still occasionally plays host to operatic performances, is in need of a new roof, and was forced to close after a safety audit discovered that it posed a risk to people inside the building.

While a new roof is being planned, Wetherspoons are to introduce a temporary ‘crash deck’, installed to allow the pub to reopen later this month.

Crash decks are commonly used in the construction industry to allow safe working at height, and also to shield people below from any potential falling debris.

Wetherspoon spokesman Eddie Gershon said: “The pub is closed until March 18 to have a crash deck erected.

“This was required after a safety audit was carried out on the roof.”

He continued: “The pub will also have a complete new roof put on over the coming months.”


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