New look War Memorial unveiled

New look War Memorial unveiled
NEW LOOK: The War Memorial in Tunbridge Wells

The memorial outside the Town Hall has been revamped with new steps along each side, aimed at enhancing the setting to create a sense of a public square for use on civic occasions such as Remembrance Sunday.


Work had been delayed on the revamp as lockdown meant some materials were unavilable to finish the project.

But the barriers have now come down and the new steps can now be used by members of the public.

The work on the War Memorial was part of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s public realm improvements for the town centre that are aimed to create more space for pedestrians and reduced the number of vehicles passing through.

It is hoped the improvements will make the town centre safer and more pleasant for visitors. 

Cabinet member Cllr Matt Bailey said: “The Council has upgraded Mount Pleasant Road to help rejuvenate our town centre.

“Traffic flows have been changed, pavements widened and the road raised to make the area more pedestrian friendly. The steps by the War Memorial are the final piece of that jigsaw, and it’s good to see the work completed.

“The benefits will be enjoyed by local residents and visitors to the town for many years to come. It will also make the area more attractive to cafes, restaurants and other businesses as we exit lockdown and the town centre moves into the recovery phase.”

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