MP wins Conservative of the Year award

Gatwick Campaigners

GREG CLARK was named Conservative MP of the Year by the Patchwork Foundation at a ceremony in Parliament last week, in recognition of the work he has done to support disadvantaged groups across the country.

The Foundation, which was established five years ago and is not affiliated to any party, states its aim as helping to ‘promote and encourage the positive integration of under-represented, deprived and minority communities into British political society’. Among its patrons is the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow MP.

Mr Clark accepted the award at Speakers House, which forms part of the Palace of Westminster, on November 2, alongside fellow Conservative MP, Justine Greening (Overall MP of the Year), Mhairi Black of the SNP (Overall Newcomer MP of the Year) and David Lammy (Labour MP of the Year).

The Overall People’s Choice Award was posthumously awarded to Labour MP Jo Cox, who was murdered in June by a gunman in Birstall, West Yorkshire.

Upon receiving his award, Greg Clark said: “Many people have much to offer politics but feel there are barriers to getting involved. It’s important we break these down – no one should feel left out.

“The Patchwork Foundation has gained a great reputation for supporting this important work and helping reach out to under-represented communities. It is a privilege to receive this award.”

Prime Minister Theresa May congratulated the Tunbridge Wells MP for winning his award, and said it reflected her ‘driving mission’ in politics, to make Britain a country that ‘works for everyone’.



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