Mayor is ‘flying solo’ after his best friend mayoress has heart surgery


Mayoress June Crowhurst is recovering from a major heart operation.

Cllr Crowhurst has temporarily stepped aside from her duties as companion to her close friend Cllr Elliott so she can recuperate from surgery.

We understand from the mayor’s office that she is likely to be ‘out of action for a little while.’

The hard-working Pembury parish councillor and the mayor have proved to be a popular double act since they swept into the prestigious civic roles in May this year.

But in recent weeks, Cllr Crowhurst has been absent from the Conservative Southborough north member’s side with a serious medical condition.

The mayor has been forced to conduct his appointments on his own, such as taking part in a charity quiz at the Salomons estate in aid of their chosen charity, ellenor, which cares for sick children.


A spokesman for the mayor’s office said: “David is flying solo at the moment because June has just had major heart surgery and will be out of action for a little while.

“She’s a fighter though so hopefully she’s be back before we know it but we’re keeping everything crossed anyway.”

When the pair were announced as the mayor and mayoress for 2015-16, Cllr Crowhurst was described as ‘his best friend on the council’ on the authority’s website.

It also states that the office of mayor is one ‘of honour and dignity rather than actual legal powers’.

But it can be a gruelling seven days a week schedule as the pair attend royal and state visits, civic ceremonies and functions, charity fundraisers, fetes and dinner dances.

An observer said: “They are two of the nicest people you’ll meet on the mayoral circuit in Kent.

They’re the best of friends and work incredibly hard for their community.

“Everyone hopes that June will be up and about really soon.”

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