Marathon was ‘incredible experience’ says Dame Kelly

One Warwick Park 2

Dame Kelly Holmes successfully completed her first ever London marathon challenge on Sunday in a more than respectable time of three hours, 11 minutes.

More than 39,000 took part in this year’s event on Sunday, which included a countdown from British astronaut Tim Peake at the International Space Station, who ran the equivalent distance on a treadmill.

As a result of her efforts, the double Olympic gold winner from Hildenborough has received donations of more than £43,000 towards her £250,000 fundraising target.

Her ? ve chosen causes are the Tunbridge Wells Pickering Cancer Drop-In Centre, Hospice in the Weald, Myeloma UK, Mind UK and her own charitable Trust.

Dame Kelly said: “I had an amazing time at the marathon – it was an incredible experience and I couldn’t believe my time. At the start I went into a trance, I knew I needed to stay slow and not go off with the crowd or get carried away by the excitement.

“Running with thousands of other runners was something I am not used to, and occasionally I had to take a deep breath and try to relax. As I ran down The Mall to that famous ? nish line I ran as quickly as possible – and I’m paying the price for that now!

“The marathon was one of the toughest things I’ve done but every step was worth it for the ? ve amazing charities I’m fundraising for.

“I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me so far,” explained the Olympic star, adding that she would love to achieve her fundraising target for her charities within the next few weeks.

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