Little Lottie finds her feet thanks to Puddle Ducks

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A THREE-year-old girl who has a condition that affects her mobility is walking for the first time thanks to sponsored swimming lessons with Puddle Ducks.

Lottie Amos, from Kings Hill, has been diagnosed with hypermobility, which means her joints are looser than they would usually be, and she must undergo regular physiotherapy sessions.

She was chosen to be Puddle Ducks’ West Kent and East Sussex sponsored child of the year, giving her 12 months of free lessons. She started in September and is now able to walk.

Her mother, Emma, said: ‘Her physiotherapist recommended Lottie attend swimming lessons to help with her physical strength, and she has come on in leaps and bounds.

‘She still has a little way to go, but she is improving all the time with her teacher Jill Lucas.

‘She is expected to be on a par with others her age by the time she starts school. And she is loving being up on her feet.’

Puddle Ducks provides award-winning swimming programmes for babies and children up to ten years old at 16 pools across West Kent and East Sussex.�

Louisa Langford of Puddle Ducks said: ‘It’s been a pleasure having Lottie attending our lessons and to see her progress so well. Swimming and just having fun in the water has been so beneficial.

‘It has been lovely to see how swimming has meant that she is now able to walk, and in the water she has gone from strength to strength.�

‘We are so proud of her.’

For more information, call 01892 617246 or visit

PICTURE: WALK ON WATER Lottie Amos is now more mobile

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