Lest we forget… the Holocaust remembered

Lest we forget... the Holocaust remembered
Holocaust victims remembered at Tunbridge Wells War Memorial

Despite the torrential rain, the Major, Cllr James Scholes, who laid a wreath at the War Memorial was joined by dozens of people wanting to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, which this year fell on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27, 1945.

Auschwitz was a collection of concentration and extermination camps in occupied Poland. An estimated six million Jews were killed by the German Nazis in Auschwitz and similar death camps, along with millions of other ethnic and minority groups.

Joining the Mayor was John Cohen from the Royal British Legion, who gave a short address centred on this year’s theme of ‘Stand Together’ and also reminded people of other campaigns of genocide that have occurred since World War II, including atrocities in Darfur, Bosnia and Rwanda.

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