Head of Equality Party rallies women in Tunbridge Wells

Hospice in the Weald 10k Run

The leader of the UK’s ‘fastest growing’ political party visited Tunbridge Wells this week as part of a nationwide tour to engage with the grassroots of the fledgling movement.

Sophie Walker addressed the Tunbridge Wells branch of the Women’s Equality Party in a packed room at the Camden Centre on Monday evening (September 5).

Dozens of women, and a handful of men, listened to the former Reuters journalist reiterate the goals of the party and seek feedback on what members believed should be its priorities.

“We are like no other political party in that we are non-partisan”, said Mrs Walker, pointing to recent co-operation with the Liberal Democrats on drafting legislation aimed at furthering equality as an example of this.

She criticised the main parties for treating women’s equality as a ‘tick box’ exercise and said very little in terms of affordable childcare, equal pay and the way women are made to feel by the fashion industry had changed in the last 20 years. But she was also eager to stress her belief that by achieving ‘real equality’ between the sexes it is not just women who will benefit.

“Equality is not a zero sum game. When we were campaigning for the mayoral elections in London we had many young men come out and support us. Men are pulled out of family life in the same way women are pushed out of the workplace.”

Full report next week

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