Greg Clark calls for unity as local Lib-Dems court anti-Brexit voters

Greg Clark: MPs should Put up or Shut Up

GREG Clark is urging his constituents to help the Government ‘build a good future for Britain’ by backing his re-election on June 8.

His call for national unity comes after Prime Minister Theresa May announced her intention hold a snap General Election in seven weeks’ time after previously ruling the option out.

The Tunbridge Wells MP has faced criticism from some quarters within the borough due to his support for the Government’s position on Brexit – despite the majority of his constituents voting to remain in the EU by a margin of ten percentage points.

But Mr Clark, who is Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, said it is ‘a privilege’ to represent the town.

He added: “This is a time for our country to come together and join forces to make the next five years a time when we build a good future for Britain, under strong and stable leadership.

“It is a privilege to represent the people of Tunbridge Wells in Parliament, and I will be honoured if my constituents choose me to continue my work in our community.”

Local liberal democrats are calling on voters to send a message about what sort of Brexit they want by lending them the vote.

Gillian Douglass, Liberal Democrat chair for Tunbridge Wells said: “This election is a huge opportunity for voters in Tunbridge Wells to change the direction of our country and prevent a disastrous hard Brexit.

“People in Tunbridge Wells voted decisively to remain in the EU, and certainly did not vote for the extreme form of Brexit that Greg Clark has supported.

“For all those who want to protect our local economy by staying in the Single Market and ensure the people have the final say over what comes next, this is your chance.”

Her stance is backed by prominent Tunbridge Wells remain campaigner, and former Tory member, Husnara Begum who said the call for a snap election ‘shouldn’t surprise anyone’.

“I think it makes complete sense on Mrs May part. With the Labour party in complete disarray the result will be a crushing defeat for Corbyn and a landslide victory for the Conservatives.

“That will sadly clear the way for a ‘hard’ Brexit. I just hope therefore that the Liberal Democrats can pull a rabbit out of their hat. Only then do we stand a chance of a pragmatic approach to Brexit and one that is sensitive to the views held by so many.”

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