George and Dragon pub events raise £5,000 for cancer patients

George and Dragon pub events raise £5,000 for cancer patients
The Corke family have raised £5,000 to help cancer patients

Ray and Jackie Corke of Tonbridge held race nights and afternoon tea events at the George and Dragon pub in Shipbourne Road, which is run by their daughter, Lisa Pearson, and her husband Garth.

The couple donated the money to the Chartwell Suite at Maidstone Hospital, where Ray has received treatment for leukaemia and other illnesses since 2008.

The funds will go towards providing a new Vital Signs machine, which shows the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and oxygen saturation of the patient while also signalling if these rise or fall.

Ray said: “I think it is really important to fundraise and help your local trust. The staff work so hard and if it makes their life, and a patient’s life, a bit easier, then it’s completely worth it.

“The treatment I have received here from the beginning has been outstanding – I really can’t fault it at all, and it’s been great to help make a small difference.”

Ruth Hunt, a clinical nurse specialist for haematology and oncology at MTW, said: “The Chartwell Suite is a very busy unit, treating between 40 and 50 patients a day.

“This incredibly kind gesture from Ray and his family will go a long way in treating patients quicker and helping our staff during their shifts.

“Everyone here at the Trust would like to thank Ray and his family for all of their efforts with such a kind act of generosity.”

For more information about the MTW NHS Charitable Fund, and how to fundraise, email fundraising manager Laura Kennedy at:

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