Free coronavirus advice for business

Free coronavirus advice for business
Darren Austin

Sharp Minds Communications has joined forces with business coach Julian Weekes and leading local accountants Synergee to offer free half-hour phone or video consultations to help businesses devise strategies.

The assistance includes ideas to help with customer engagement, improve business operations and stimulate and manage cash flow while people are being encouraged to stay at home to restrict transmission of the disease.

“These are going to be challenging times for businesses of all shapes and sizes, and in all sectors, which is why we’re offering our expertise to help local companies create effective plans to get through the current crisis and position themselves for success when the economy picks up again,” said Sharp Minds Director Siobhan Stirling.

“Research shows that businesses that emerge as leaders from economic downturns are those that employ a judicious mix of efficiency savings and investment in marketing, research and development and assets – also known as ‘progressive strategies’ – rather than simply slashing costs or investing heavily to tough it out.”

Business coach Julian Weekes added: “The problem with simply slashing costs is that you don’t maintain the market presence to push ahead when things pick up, and companies that cut staff dramatically often find it harder and more expensive to recruit on the other side of downturns, while those that simply throw money at the solution don’t create the efficiencies needed to help them compete effectively when consumer confidence returns.

“I can help businesses drill into their numbers to find the savings and alternative income streams that will underpin future success.”

Darren Austin of Synergee, said: “The Chancellor’s lifeline is essential, but it’s important for business owners to remember it’s a bridge, not a bailout – the support is in the form of loans and grants that will have to be paid back, which will add to costs as companies try to rebuild.”

He continued: “We can help companies work out whether a Government loan is the right solution, or whether there are alternative strategies for managing their cash flow through this challenging time.”

Free business advice is available at Or call 01892 570863 to arrange free half-hour strategy consultations with Sharp Minds, Julian Weekes of ActionCOACH and Darren Austin of Synergee.

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