Foster families are urgently needed for teens and siblings

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THERE are 920 new foster families needed in the South-East over the next 12 months, according to the charity Fostering Network.

There is a particular need for families to foster teenagers and groups of brothers and sisters.

The figures have been released during the charity’s Foster Care Fortnight, and they say that without more families coming forward, some children will find themselves living a long way from their family, school and friends, being split up from their siblings, or being placed with a foster carer who might not have the right skills and experience to meet their specific needs.

They want to encourage more participation so that the service can match the needs of each child more closely with the skills and experience that each carer brings.

Kevin Williams, Chief Executive of The Fostering Network, said: ‘Foster carers do something amazing on behalf of our society, opening their hearts and homes to fostered children, often offering them their first experience of a stable, secure and caring home.

‘Looking after fostered children, many of whom have experienced trauma, abuse or neglect, can be challenging. But it is that challenge, along with the reward of seeing these children and young people flourish, that many foster carers say makes them proud to foster.’

One carer, Dan, said: ‘What makes me proud to foster is when you realise the impact you have made in a young person’s life, especially when they’ve gone from arriving in a scared and vulnerable state to being able to express themselves and let their personality shine.’


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