Thousands braved damp weather to watch the biggest fireworks display to be held at Dunorlan Park.
For the event’s 60th anniversary, organisers Tunbridge Wells Round Table welcomed an estimated 12,000 on Saturday [November 4].
Spokesman Andrew Mockford said the annual display was down on numbers due to rain but still raised at least £30,000 for charities.
“There were far more fireworks going off at the same time than ever before,” he said about the display which lasted for 21 minutes. “It was our biggest finale and it did not disappoint.
“It went really well considering the rain we had, it poured down between 5pm and 6pm, but it did not seem to lower the mood although it was soggy underfoot.”
Organisers are still totalling ticket sales which last year raised £40,000.
The Round Table will present cheques to local charities at a later event.
Approximately 12,000 people enjoyed this year’s Dunorlan display.