Find out the extra charges and fees Tunbridge Wells council is considering

Camden U-Turn for Council

Extra charges involving planning applications and advice are to be introduced by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to boost its revenue.

Fees charged for people to submit planning applications are set to rise 20 per cent, in line with Government recommendations, to net an overall £93,358. Currently the fee is £172. This will rise by £34 to £206.

The council’s Cabinet has approved a financial plan to find £109,574 in the next financial year (April 2018-March 2019) from their services.

This also includes charging £25 for copies of tree protection orders and £30 for pre-application advice on high hedges.

Other changes will see flexible venue space Camden Centre in Market Square lose its lounge and gallery as rooms for the public to access.

This is to house staff, and possibly exhibits and books, from the Library and Museum which are to be renovated into a centralised hub.

Fees at the Kent & Sussex Crematorium, in Bayhall Road, Tunbridge Wells, will increase by the retail price index.

Tickets for the ice rink in Calverley Grounds are likely to rise in line with inflation for the next Christmas season.

Director of Finance, Lee Colyer told the committee that officers had worked hard to balance the books.

He said: “We have exceeded the amount of income we were looking to achieve in drawing up these proposals.
“That extra capital will go some way towards continuing the broad range of services we provide.”

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