Ex-Tory councillor to fight ‘unlawful’ Calverley Square

Date set for Calverley Square inquiry

A former Conservative councillor is driving the legal challenge, reported in the Times last week, against the £90million Calverley Square civic complex.

Brian Ransley is seeking a judicial review to halt Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s attempt to build a theatre and council offices on land next to Calverley Grounds.

A judicial review is one of the last remaining options for opponents of Calverley Square, which is set to open in 2022 now planning permission has been passed and a contractor has been named.

It is a complex and often expensive legal process where a claimant seeks to prove the process behind making a planning decision was unlawful, rather than the decision itself.

Mr Ransley is a member of Tunbridge Wells Alliance, the political party formed primarily to oppose the development.
He served as a borough councillor for Capel from 2008 to 2012, when he lost his seat.

This week he told the Times he had launched the challenge with the High Court ‘in his own name’ and could not comment further.

All 48 borough councillors have been named as defendants in the case.

HM Courts and Tribunal Service has said no hearing date is currently listed.

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