Elite squads disbanded as emphasis placed on recreational gymnasts

Fran Taylor

Changes at the Next Dimension Gymnastics Academy (NDGA) in Tunbridge Wells, will see the emphasis switch from elite squads to developing the skills of its recreational gymnasts.

Markerstudy Leisure, which owns and operates NDGA, has announced that after undertaking a review of the gym’s operations, a decision had been taken to disband its elite squads, that take part in nationwide competitions, and to focus resources ‘on bringing recreational gymnastics to as wide a number of local children as possible.’

A spokesman said: “While we understand that this news will be disappointing to the 80 members of the elite squads, we would like to thank them for their commitment to the sport here at the NDGA.

“However, the changes will increase access to the floor and equipment, and also time with higher level coaches, for our large number of recreational gymnasts.”

Improving the facilities

British Gymnastics had been kept informed of the decision to disband the squads and supported the principle of extending and improving the facilities and coaching available to recreational gymnasts that the changes allow.

“We remain strongly affiliated with British Gymnastics and operate in accordance with all of its guidelines,” said the spokesman.

“The members of the former elite squads will still be able to enjoy the advanced recreational gymnastic classes and, where we have been asked, we have provided help with identifying appropriate alternative clubs.”

Changes come into effect on Monday (October 31).

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