Developer to replace steps after misquoting philosopher

Developer to replace steps after misquoting philosopher
The steps leading to the 1887 development

Dandara, which is building luxury development 1887 The Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells, was left red-faced after residents noticed an inscription chiselled into a set of steps leading to the project was wrong.

The Francis Bacon quotation – which is from the philosopher’s 1605 thesis The Advancement of Learning – is understood to have been selected because of spa town’s historical connection to water.

The quotation should have read:  The knowledge of man is as the waters, some descending from above, and some springing from beneath: the one informed by the light of nature, the other inspired by divine revelation.

However, a number of learned residents spotted that the developer had mistakenly used ‘ascending’ in place of ‘descending’.

One Twitter user commented: “Looks like we can bend physics, but can’t copy a quote correctly.”

A spokesperson for Dandara acknowledged the error, telling the Times: “It was noticed straight away and has been addressed. The replacement stone had a lead time of 10 weeks but will be fitted as soon as they receive it.”

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