Detective in charge of the Fuller case wins top police job

Olympian Louis Smith

Chief Superintendent Paul Fotheringham of Kent Police was voted as the new PSA head at the meeting of the association’s National Executive Committee last month.

Ch Supt Fotheringham served the first half of his time in the force in local policing and the second half in specialist crime, including protecting vulnerable people and homicide investigation.

But it is ‘Operation Sandpiper’ – the investigation into convicted murderer and sex offender David Fuller – that he is most known for, after the case made national and international headlines.

The investigation led to the solving of the murders of Wendy Knell and Caroline Pierce who were both killed in Tunbridge Wells in 1987.

The 34-year unsolved ‘bedsit murders’ finally came to a conclusion after Ch Supt Fotheringham’s team identified through forensic evidence Fuller’s brother, who was on police file, as a potential relative of the killer.

It was then the detective discovered the true extent of offending by David Fuller, who is now serving two whole life sentences, who abused more than 100 bodies in hospital mortuaries.

The newly elected PSA president alongside Chief Superintendent Harvi Khatkar of West Midlands Police who was elected vice president, will represent superintendents and chief superintendents in 49 forces across the UK.

Ch Supt Fotheringham said: “I am extremely proud to have been elected into this role, which has unique influence across policing, not only impacting on individual members, but across the entire service and the wider public.

“It is a role with huge responsibility but great privilege, representing members across England and Wales and other affiliated colleagues. I am determined to make a difference and will focus on building the fantastic work already underway, advocating for our members and pushing for positive change in policing.

“I would like to personally thank Paul Griffiths for the exceptional work he has led during his six years as vice president and president of the association. He has left a legacy of positivity which I look forward to continuing.”

Current President Paul Griffiths OBE added: “I’d like to extend my huge congratulations to both Paul and Harvi. We will have a fantastic team to lead our association for the next three years.

“It has been a great honour and privilege to lead the association, following on from my time as vice president.

“I am extremely proud of the difference we have made for our members and for the wider Service and am confident that Paul and Harvi will further grow this impact with passion and enthusiasm.”



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