Despite coronavirus it’s business as usual

Despite coronavirus it's business as usual
Peppy on coronavirus

While a number of supermarkets have had their shelves cleared of toilet roll – with one store even telling staff to ration sales to one pack per customer – for most local firms it is business as usual.

Some restaurants have said they have noticed an uplift in takeaway orders with fewer people eating out, while some shops have reported lower than normal customer levels, but they have put this down to the current inclement weather rather than fears over coronavirus.

At one coffee shop, staff said more customers were now asking to use the facilities to wash their hands before eating, which previously was ‘uncommon’.

At AXA PPP, the town’s largest employer, ‘pre-emptive measures’ have been put in place.

A spokesman for the health insurer said: “The health and safety of our employees is of course our priority.

“We have put in place concrete measures to protect employees and proactively manage the situation.

“Such pre-emptive measures include allowing employees to work remotely, providing health and hygiene advice, and restrictions on events and travel.”

Some event venues in the town have received cancellations because of coronavirus, although these are mostly from national and global companies following cautious head office guidelines.

Local schools have been issued advice from Public Health England, which reiterates to pupils the importance of hand washing, but the public body says no restrictions or special control measures are required if somebody at the school has been displaying symptoms or has been tested for the virus.

But if a case is confirmed, ‘a risk assessment will be undertaken by the educational establishment with advice from the local Health Protection Team’.

Locally, the health emergency is being dealt with by Public Health England and Kent County Council, but Tunbridge Wells Borough Council said they were reviewing contingency plans.

A spokesperson said: “Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is reviewing its emergency planning framework and business continuity plans in light of the Government’s Action Plan for coronavirus, and we are liaising with colleagues across the county, Public Health England and NHS partners to ensure the best possible response.”

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