Couple on social media photoshoot fined for Covid breach

Couple on social media photoshoot fined for Covid breach
FINED: Police quizzing one of the couple on the A21 bridge

The incident was among more than 80 breaches of Covid rules over the weekend, Kent Police have said.

The force says between Friday [February 19] to Monday [February 22] officers handed out a total of 86 fines for breaches of lockdown rules.

Among the penalty notices handed out by police, a couple were fined after officers were alerted to a bridge in Gracious Lane, Sevenoaks on Sunday afternoon following reports by a member of the public that a woman was on the wrong side of the safety barrier, sparking fears for her safety.

Officers stopped the traffic in both directions on the A21 and attended the bridge where they located a woman wearing clown make-up. It transpired she was taking part in a photo shoot for her social media page and was accompanied by a man who was taking pictures. They were both fined.

Police can currently hand out £200 fixed penalty notices for anybody outside their home without a reasonable excuse or for gathering in a public place. 

In addition to the Sevenoaks incident, a beach party led to five people receiving penalty notices in Folkestone. Officers were called to Marine Parade at 10pm on Sunday following reports of men fighting. Upon arrival it transpired the group were holding a birthday party for a friend and all five men were fined.

Since the restrictions became law in March 2020 to date 1,975 people have been fined in Kent.

Assistant Chief Constable Claire Nix said: “The warmer weekend naturally resulted in more people wanting to visit some of the more popular destinations in the county. Whilst this is understandable, with the current situation, I would ask people to carefully consider the impact that their actions may have.

She continued: “Whilst nationally the picture is improving with the infection rate dropping, more people being vaccinated and fewer Covid-19 deaths recorded, as a nation, we are not quite out of the woods yet.

“Though I completely understand the desire to get outside to these popular destinations I would ask people for patience and restraint until the regulations are lifted so eventually we can enjoy the freedom of meeting our friends and family without the fear of spreading Coronavirus.”


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